PHoto Gallery Photo Gallery Bucket atop tree Bucket in tree with power lines Team with Truck Tree Climber Estate Tree Service Truck Cutting Tree Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 10.43.16 AM Bucket with Logo Leaning out of Bucket 65288453108__6EDFBCAE-D9D9-4DEC-AEEC-865AE457601A.fullsizerender Good Shepherd Crane two creeks march 21 IMG_5583 IMG_5594 Winter Storm Road Blocked IMG_5591 Tree Climber Silhouette Tree Removal Bucket Winter Storm Damage Bucket Truck in Tree Close up Cutting at Ground Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 10.42.56 AM IMG_5598 chipper in truck Mimosa Indian Hills 1 Crew Cutting Large Stump Good Shepherd Crane2 crane in yard Schedule a Free No Obligation Quote Today! Please contact us to schedule a time for us to stop by and learn about your needs. We’ll give you a written quote on the spot! E-mail Us Or Call: (502) 229-5258